Jabberwocky: moral outrage my arse! font-color:#CCFFCC

Monday, June 12, 2006

moral outrage my arse!

Pardon my language; I’m really worked up about this. Yes, I know I’ve blogged about this before but I just can't help feeling enraged about it. It PISSES me off. This is totally uncalled for. What’s wrong with expression of love? What’s up with love really? I know this sounds cliché but I remember seeing this somewhere. Make love, not war. Cue for the black eye peas+Justin+X song "where is the love".

Love has a calming effect on most people. Will you drive as recklessly as you do if you think of your loved ones or more specifically, how they would react to your DEATH? NO. Kissing n hugging indecent? Yea rite. So is labeling divorcees RANDY. HAH.Again, why are our nation's resources spent on such trivial matters? Same applies to our parliament discussions.An enforcement squad to put anyone within 10 cm of each other behind the bars? Tsk tsk. Blasphemy.

If convicted, they could be fined not exceeding RM2,000 or jailed up to a year, or both. This is just great. Let’s look at it in economics context. We need money to feed the prisoners. It is unwise to treat such "offenders" to Wong Gar Ga Lei Fun (curry rice) unnecessarily (read: extra costs and diverts spending from crucial areas) Furthermore, it is a waste of space, which could instead be used to house sex offenders FOR LIFE. BTW, they really should introduce castration for those sick bastards. (For those who consider castrating others, I have some more to say about that topic. Just IM me)They should also be forced to clean public toilets and drains, which in turn, will save the local council a great deal of effort and money. Win-win situation indeed.

The couple in question are no longer together,(The incident was in 2003 for goodness sake!) but they are joined in this crusade *sniggers* against over-zealous moralists who suffocates others with their uber-conservative mentality. Not everything can be in free size.One man's meat is another mans poison. So, what's their problem? HYPOCRITICAL ZEALOTS! FARK.

Whatever happened to our human rights assocation? Toothless tiger.How very apt.
Below is a short newspaper article on the couple accused.

On 2 August 2003, Ooi Kean Thong (24) and Siow Ai Wei (22) were accused of "indecent behaviour" at the KLCC park.

They lodged a report against the two DBKL officers who allegedly issued them with a summons after they refused to bribe them. Not only that, the challenged the city council's authority to enact such "morality laws".

On 4 April 2006, the Federal Court ruled that the KL City Hall had the authority to enact bylaws to prosecute people for indecent public behaviour.

Worried that tourists will stop visiting our country because of such openly ridiculous policing of private behavior, the Mayor of KL hastily reassured the BBC on the very next day, that this will not apply to tourists.(CEH!!!!DOUBLE STANDARD.THEN DON'T BLOODY INTRODUCE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE)

Meanwhile, Ooi and Siow will have to defend themselves against the charge of indecent behaviour.

*Note: the trial was scheduled on first of June but ends up it was postponed to the 18th (Sunday??? weird) I wait in anticipation for the verdict. What would it be?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the people who backed the morality code can go to hell. the people who prosecuted as well can go to hell. LOL. they can all go to hell XD

6:25 PM  

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