Jabberwocky: February 2006 font-color:#CCFFCC

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

leo ku....medley

hahaha people, guess what? i will be going for the leo ku concert this month =) so listening to lots of his songs n miriam yeungs to prepare.


愛妳 我管不了是禍 未想過是為何 能愛著妳苦也未去擋
有著我便有著妳 真愛是永不死 穿過喜和悲 跨過生和死
see me fly, i'm singing in the sky 假使我算神話 因妳創更愉快
憑我徹底的勇氣 愛是最大權利 不理場面不偉大 我共妳始終同遊生死
還有哪一種結尾 花光一切在乎妳 沒有想過太多 我只需要妳
戀愛大過天 想不想也日夜懷念 連甜夢也不夠甜
怎麼閃 同學始終會遇見
shall we talk, shall we talk? 就當重新手拖手去上學堂
我帶著情意 一絲絲淒滄 許多說話都仍然未講 縱隔別遙遠懷念對方 悲傷盼換上再會祈望
愈問愈傷心 明明無餘地再過問 明明知道衷心一吻 會有更親厚質感
我說過要妳快樂 讓我擔當失戀的主角 改寫了劇情 無言地漂泊
我想哭 妳可不可以暫時別要睡 陪著我 像最初相識我當時未怕累 但如果 但如果說下去 或者
我有說話未曾講 妳這剎那在何方 如何能連繫上 與妳再相伴在旁 如晨光
(日月星辰風雨潮 太陽星辰 即使變灰暗 心中記憶 一生照我心)
我的愛如潮水 愛如潮水將我向妳推 緊緊跟隨 愛如潮水它將妳我包圍
冷冷雨 wo... 沒焦點因找不到妳 冷冷雨低泣彷彿要等妳經過
答應我妳從此不在深夜裏徘徊 不要輕易嘗試放縱的滋味 妳該知道這樣會讓我心碎
風繼續吹 不忍遠離 心裏亦有淚 不願流淚望著妳
各種空虛 冷冷冷 吹起吹起風裏夢 過去的心 火般灼熱 今天已變了冰凍
來又如風 離又如風 或世事通通不過是場夢 人在途中 人在時空 相識也許不過擦過夢中
就算妳壯闊胸膛 不敵天氣 兩鬢斑白 都可認得妳

別離沒有對錯 要走也解釋不多 現代說永遠已經很傻 隨著那一宵去 火花已消逝 不可能付出一生那麼多
也許相愛很難 就難在其實雙方各有各寄望怎麼辦 要單戀都難 受太大的禮會內疚卻也無力歸還
darling i want you 妳竟不知 默默向風呆企 去等心中戲子 曾無限次 欲話我知 卻也停止
同是天涯淪落人 在這傷心者通道上同行 也許不必知道我是誰
如何可以不愛她 莫非生命只配有一個她 到了沒法相處 再去記她好處 憑回憶製造這自欺的笑話
隨時日在遠飛 難捨棄 每次看見冷冬到訪的妳 那年冬天 兩心遇上 沒逃避

可以笑的話不會哭 可相知的心那怕追逐 可惜每次遇上熱愛 沒法使我感覺我終於 遇上幸福
來忘掉錯對 來懷念過去 曾共渡患難日子總有樂趣 不相信會絕望 不感覺到躊躇 在美夢裏競爭 每日拼命進取
世界將我包圍 誓死都一齊 壯觀得有如 懸崖的婚禮 也許生於世上 無重要作為 仍有這種真愛會留低

祈求天地放過一雙戀人 怕發生的永遠別發生 從來未順利遇上好景降臨 如何能重拾信心
神啊 救救我吧 一把年紀了 一個愛人都沒有 孤獨是可憐的 如果沒愛過 人生是黑白的
真人都不喜愛我 神妳不歡喜我迫我入了魔 愛侶幾百萬 誰料我蠢得竟可 重覆去犯錯

吻下來 豁出去 這吻別似覆水 再來也許要天上團聚
眼淚還是留給天撫慰 妳是前度何必聽我吠
別再做情人 做隻貓做隻狗不做情人 做隻寵物至少可愛迷人 和妳不瞅不睬最終只會成為敵人
好心一早放開我 好心一早放開我 從頭努力也坎坷 通通不要好過 來年歲月那麼多 為繼續而繼續 沒有好處還是我 若註定有一點苦楚 不如自己親手割破
誰得到過願放手 曾精彩過願挽留 年年月月逝去越是覺得深愛妳


Shall We Talk/哪有一天不想你/越吻越伤心/我说过要你快乐/假如让我说下去/情深说话未曾讲






thanks emily for the lyrics =)

"love is in the air ...... "

HAVE A WON-DOG-FUL DAY! Every dog has its day =)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A new year pt.2

wow..2 posts in a day.A major accomplishment for a part time blogger like me LOL.

Continue from above


The end of our academic year.My last paper was economics.As i handed in my answer sheet, i heaved a sigh of relief..even though i knew i answered like crap(as a result of falling asleep while studying last minute )So, this is the end.No fireworks to mark it, no happy cheers as we were among the earliest to end the paper.It ended like how it started, quietly and barely noticeable.Our college is probably the only college that has neither a graduation ceremony nor a end of the year prom.But then again, i dont have those fancy dresses , TDH companion (tall, dark, handsome), awesome dancing skills, svelte body and sparkling jewellry to show off so i guess i didnt miss much.Its sad though that our college is so eventless and we dont have much for remembrance other than out friends if compared to the other colleges.

13-22 Dec
I went to Outward bound school, which is located in Lumut, Perak.I've always wanted to go for a course there and this year, i got a place early :p

the place was pretty okay and the activities were fun,we had kayaking across to the opposite island in rough weather and choppy water until i felt sea sick.THere was this whacko in our group who was really annoying and stupid.he dint help out much and moaned and complained alot.I kinda hate him.he even vomitted in the kayak during our expedition thankfully, i wasnt his kayak partner.The worse thing is he keeps calling my name wrongly and has that smug look on his face that i feel like slapping him.besides, he has no body nor muscles to show yet he likes to wear sleeveless tee, which isnot allowed anyway.talk about thick skinned! there are also some that i didnt really like and some childish ones, i dont know why, probably because i'm already used to people more mature.

We had a trekking expedition that took about 7 hours to reach and it was slippery and muddy as it rained the day bfore, which was a real horror as my old shoes had no grip and i slided my way through.the left sole came out half way LOL.When i went back to the dorm the 2nd day, i threw away the shoes and socks as they were practically reeking.the stupid shoes also cut my foot until there was quite a deep gash.i was hobbling back all the way and as a result was quite slow.What i hate about some of my team members is that they have this desire to win all the time, they want to reach the place first, the fastest so on.they have no consideration for the other slower people,mostly the girls..i admit my stamina is quite weak and my speed is quite slow in the case of trekking.

We also had solo camping,rock climbing which left me with plenty of bruises.my height or more of the lack of it, is a major disadvantage.i couldn’t stretch that much and couldn’t reach out to those handholds n footholds above unlike some who just did it effortlessly.Theres one thing that I’m really proud of , that is I managed to keep a fire going for quite a long time..around 3 hours even though I needed help starting it .those that have watched over a wood fire should know that the fire is really greedy andhungry all the time,you have to keep popping in the sticks to keep it going.

we had rope courses,which was quite easy as i've had some coachin from my krs seniors n theres this annoying kid thats so eager to show off and quite rude as well especially during the orienteering part.

at the end of the course, my legs were all infested wiht insect bites like 15 on one leg, thanks to the stupid sand fleas tat were itchy like hell.mosquitoes wonderland and bruises on both knees.I wouldnt look out of place at the outpatient ward.LOL.it was a great experience and costly one.lol.
one thing bad about obs is that they waste alot of food, they give us a lot of food that are perishable so we have to throw them away.read: 1kg of sugar and rice and condensed milk !during expeditions.during bbq nite, we threw away huge black bags of food: chicken,fruit,sausages,bread,rice.i felt so guilty..think of all the poor hungry animals eg.dogs. >.<

I might go back as a CA (course assistant)this year, depending on my class schedule.

there! another quality post from ji jun mou dik long gau ju

happy new year peeps! =)

A new year

A new year - 2006

Horror horror.I havent updated my blog for 2 months and left it to rot.LOL.well, there are times when I just dont feel like posting my thoughts online, either because i had nothing to write or i was just plain lazy.Theres this fleeting impulse to blog when i see something interesting but it'll go away after a few minutes.I have a few drafts lined up over here, some half completed and some barely started.To kick off this new year, i'll make a fresh start.

Year in review - 2005
A lot of things happened in this year and i'm not talking about the so called winds of change that occurs when you leave school and enter college.Its a big fat lie that college is very much different from school,the workload is about the same, the hours are longer, the food sucks as usual, the only difference being you dont need to wear uniforms, which again presents me with another problem as my wardrobe is rather sparse.

Those who know me well will know that I am a t-shirt jeans kinda person.Furthermore i dont wear sleeveless tee as I cant stand the cold.I dont get how some people can wear sleeveless V neck mini skirt to class and not freeze to death.This leaves me with not much of a choice for clothes to wear to college and I will always wear my favourite white shoes(another weird fetish of mine)Therefore, after like 5 or 6 days you can see me wearing the same clothes again.LOL.Unlike some others, who can go 2 weeks plus without repeating their outfits.

Another thing that never ceases to amaze me is how I managed to score 5As even though my homework was crap and our experiments were mostly made believe.For human bio for example, I would just write whatever i remembered and the human history part was the worst.All the ancestors looked the same to me and for crying out loud, their skulls all look alike other than some miniscule details.I had also the chance to have a very special lecturer, my Econs lecturer that was very different from the other lecturers.His way of teaching was through stories, jokes and lots of nonsence talk that had some underlying meaning and i fared quite well considering i had no prior economics background.Which teacher would bring you for talks by Ghandis grandson, bring you to watch seabiscuit and the emperors club in teh school AV room, let you off for coming late and going back early, gathering at the cafeteria to chit chat during class,tell us ghost stories, jokes about jackasses as bosses,history,FRIM(forest reserve in kepong, though with much regret i missed that as we were away at redang)we met up before cny for dinner.

Also, my dear math teacher for being so lenient with us, i always come late for his classes, esp on tuesdays as we have econs bfore lunch and 30 minutes for lunch is never sufficient.he never raised his voice to scold us when we talk in class and is always pushing datelines for us.some people, obviously will take advantage of the poor old man by handing up assignments way after the deadline and he wont take any action against these people.Hes really kind and when we jokingly wat him to treat us, he'll really do that.I feel guilty for laughing cuz of the way he pronounces 0 and g's.

My bio teacher, the former one was a real MOAH(my nickname for her - MOAT being mother of all horror, she was really scary and strict with the class, yet i was more hardworking, as i was forced to study more often, prolly cuz humans are all fan jin)She was so fast in teaching that we had already finished half of the whole syllabus within the first 2 months.The good part about her was that we didnt need to do our own notes when she was around, the new teacher did not believe in giving out notes.Miss J, our replacement teacher is really nice and funny and not so strict.She made our classes alot more fun and relaxed.The downside was i slacked a lot more in the 2nd half of the year as a result.

My english teacher,who was always laughed at for having a bowling pin figure.lol.I dont know why but i feel that she doesnt like me much.I dont really agree to her method of teaching and feel that she overstresses on grammar and has neglected vocabulary.As a result, my vocabulary greatly deteriorated.For some reason, some of those that supposedly passed the Advanced english course speak really bad english.it makes me question the standard of these so called courses and whether they actually help accomplish the objective of improving the participants english or they merely satisfy the desire of gaining the certificate.

chemistry lecturer.some would describe her as cool, haughty or even arrogant.I would say shes an okay person.i have bumped into her a couple of times at the library (suk hak over there =p) and whenever i have questions in chemistry i can always ask her.She gave me an A in the end and a few well dones during topic tests =D

IS.horror .horror.horror.DO NOT EVER TAKE THIS SUBJECT. the lecturer is completely hopeless and barkin mad.her english is horrible and she cant teach.she might be really good in computing for all i know but she cannot teach.proof: our class started with 9 people at the beginning of the semester and only 4 left at the end.the rest dropped out somewhere in the beginning and the middle.She complains that shes not feelin well and has migraines all the time.

For all these people other than the IS lecturer, I am truly greatful.My college's admin department is incompetent.the office lady handlin most of our payments and the accounts department is quite useless and not constantly up to date with college happenings and policies and activities.

to be continued..